You will now use the Single Sign-On (SSO) button to sign into Infinite Campus. Do not enter your username/password on the login screen, instead click the SSO button. If you have already been authenticated it may immediately log you into Infinite Campus. Alternatively, you may be taken to the Microsoft login provider where you will see the McFarland Logo. If that happens you will enter your full district email address (including the '') and your district NETWORK password..
Student Login (Non-WIVA student)
7th, 8th & 9th Grade ONLY - Use the Single Sign-On (SSO) button!
6th & 10th-12th Grades - You will use your district username along with your current district GMAIL password to log into Infinite Campus. If you believe you are doing that, try these tips:
Log into your district GMail account on a new screen and see if GMail wants you to set a new password. If GMail thinks you need a new password, Infinite Campus will not let you log-in until you change your password and start using the new one.
If it is asking you to enter the special Captcha characters at the bottom, make sure you RE-ENTER your username and password and THEN enter the special Captcha characters that are displayed.
WIVA Staff/Student Login
You will use the username and password fields to enter the credentials that have been assigned to you.
If you are having issues logging into Campus using the correct credentials, please contact the district at .
App Server: c516wi-cmb001
NOTE: STAFF (non-WIVA) should now use the Single Sign-On (SSO) option above.